ARTICLES OF Leigh Anderson

Beyond the Numbers
23 Jul, 2018 | Leigh Anderson
Photo: Courtesy of Coordinadora de La MujerChallenges Bolivian women face in spite of equal representation in parliamentWith women holding 53.1% of the seats in parliament as of 2017, Bolivia ranks se...

Proyecto Rositas
27 Aug, 2018 | Leigh Anderson
Balancing development with the environment and indigenous rights in BoliviaProyecto Rositas, the plan for a 600 megawatt hydroelectric plant in the Bolivian jungle, is stirring up controversy among a...

Bolivian Tradition, Drug Crisis
29 Aug, 2018 | Leigh Anderson
Image: Alexandra MeleánThe Duality of the Andean Coca LeafA stealthy trip into the jungle. An underground deal. Secret messengers. The transformation of a harmless substance to a deadly one. Border cr...